6 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Graduate Vets

At NSV, we’ve seen our fair share of practices struggling to integrate new graduate vets into their teams. Let’s face it, the transition from uni to practice can be a bit of a shock to the system—for them and for you!

Gone are the days of chucking new grads in at the deep end and hoping they’ll swim. Today’s practices need to offer a proper lifeline to these fresh-faced vets.

So, what’s the secret sauce? We’ve cooked up a tasty recipe based on our observations:

  1. Bespoke support: One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to new grads. Some might be dab hands at dog castrates, while others might need a bit of hand-holding with IV catheters. It’s all about tailoring the support to each individual.
  2. Smooth onboarding: From helping with accommodation to airport pickups, going the extra mile can make all the difference. It’s not just about the job; it’s about settling into a new life. Don’t miss our tips on giving new starters a great first day.
  3. Regular catch-ups: We recommend formal reviews at 4, 8, and 12 weeks, followed by monthly chats. It keeps everyone on the same page and nips any issues in the bud.
  4. Creating a supportive environment: Making senior vets approachable and fostering a culture where it’s okay to ask questions is crucial. After all, we’ve all been newbies, haven’t we?
  5. Embracing mistakes: Let’s be honest, slip-ups are going to happen. Explain that the key is to use them as learning opportunities rather than beating yourself up about them.
  6. Continuing education: We can’t stress enough the importance of providing practical CPD and resilience training. It’s not just about clinical skills; it’s about building well-rounded professionals.


At NSV, we’re always talking about the importance of nurturing new talent, and it’s fantastic to see practices putting this into action. Yes, it takes time, effort, and a bucketload of patience, but the payoff is worth it: keen, bonded vets who are proud to be part of the team.

So, to all the practices out there looking to bring new graduate vets on board, take our advice to heart. Make time for your newbies, give them a proper induction, and let them get stuck in (with supervision, of course)!

Remember, these bright-eyed and bushy-tailed vets are the future of our profession. Let’s make sure we’re setting them up for success, not stress. After all, a happy vet makes for happy pets, and isn’t that what it’s all about?

Here at NSV, we’re committed to helping practices create the best possible environment for new graduates. If you’re looking to bring fresh talent into your team, give us a call. We’d be happy to help you find the perfect fit and set them up for a great start in their veterinary career.

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